Educational environment

With biodynamic lighting (Human Centric Lighting) we provide indoor light that approximates daylight, including its dynamic progression. Cooler and brighter light during the day contributes to a feeling of vitality; the children feel more alert and can therefore concentrate better and find it easier to participate in lessons. Warmer, darker light creates a relaxed feeling; this makes the children calmer and that in turn contributes to the necessary relaxation and optimal creativity between the periods of intense concentration.

The right, balanced light contributes to a healthy and pleasant learning and working environment.

With the right lighting, we create a better working environment for staff in addition to the ideal learning environment for the students. With good working light, both students and teachers can perform optimally. Ergonomic light ensures better image quality on monitors, less reflection, clearer contrasts, optimal concentration and creativity and minimises headaches, light sensitivity and fatigue.

Our biodynamic lighting creates a pleasant learning and working environment.

Biodynamic lighting provides a pleasant learning environment in secondary education.

With our biodynamic lighting you create a pleasant workplace for students and employees.