About Ammanu
We aim to provide solutions that impact positively. Innovative, but above all practical and pragmatic solutions where lighting makes a real difference to people. Lighting that makes people feel better and function better.
We really believe in our role in creating an Educational environment.

We are committed to create a better learning environment
To achieve this, we look at what a good learning environment really needs. We then develop and produce the lighting systems completely in-house. This way we can fully guarantee the quality and durability of our products.
We stand for a better environment
AMMANU comes from the word ‘amanuensis’. This is the ‘science teacher’ who can explain exactly what it is about technology. We see that as our role too. Based on scientific research, we want to design and produce high-quality LED lighting and we also want to explain and communicate this rationale clearly. As an active partner, we work to find the most sustainable, energy-efficient and cost-saving LED solutions for clients. The fact that this is a necessity and can be done more sustainably is clear to us. We stand for ‘LED technology for life’ and this includes the all-important educational settings in life.

Clean and sustainable
produced in Europe
Energy efficient (LED) and virtually maintenacne-free
Based on scientific research
Made not to break
(15 year warranty)
Made for the circular economy
Dutch Design
The seas and oceans clearly show that the world is being polluted at a rapid rate. During their travels to Asia, they are confronted with children who dig mercury twelve hours a day. The realisation is growing that things can and must be done differently.
After a lot of thought and discussion, the desire arises to develop sustainable, durable LED lighting together. Part of this discussion is the incorporation of dynamic lighting, with easily adjustable light output and colour. It turns out that the heat development in the LED luminaires is the bottleneck in this. This brings them across the path of an old college friend, Jan Vreenegoor. He is managing a technical company in Ireland.
After extensive research, he is able to tackle the problem of heat management and with that he can create a longer service life. Jan’s former right-hand man in the company, the Slovak engineer Pavol Ondruska, would like to return to Slovakia with his family after his adventure in Ireland. He takes up the challenge to set up the production branch of AMMANU from there.
For a better insight into the aspirations and needs of the clients and translating this to the solutions of AMMANU the friends get in contact with another old acquaintance, Arno Groot. Arno is at that moment responsible for a company in raised access flooring and a company that produces public lighting solutions. After a short period of negotiating Arno accepts the challenge and joins the team.
AMMANU is born and ready to light up the world!
Het beoordelen van gezondheid en welzijn bij gebouwen
Mede door de intrede van de WELL Building Standard (WELL) in Nederland is er in toenemende mate aandacht voor de effecten van gebouwen op de menselijke gezondheid. Zowel BREEAM als WELL onderschrijven het belang van gezonde gebouwen.
Neem gezondheid mee in businesscase kantoren
‘Als je een huurder van een kantoorpand kunt overtuigen dat het betreffende pand de productiviteit verhoogt van de mensen die er gaan werken, kan dat de klant over de streep trekken. Betrek gezondheid daarom bij de businesscase.’
Naar een gezond gebouw
De vraag naar gezonde en comfortabele gebouwen neemt toe. Volgens PriceWaterhouseCoopers1 bepalen ‘stenen en locatie’ straks niet meer de prijs van toekomstige gebouwen, maar zal de prijs bepaald worden door flexibiliteit, bruikbaarheid en kwaliteit van de huisvesting.